Technical Analyst EHT
Graduated in Economics, within EHT S.C.p.A. he works as a Technical Analyst dealing with the reporting of Research & Development Projects (Business Unit: R&D) in the "Business Governance" team.
He has seven years of work experience in the reporting of social projects such as "Reception and Integration".
He coordinates the administrative management of research projects funded by Ministerial Bodies, interfacing with the project partnership and technical project managers. At the moment he deals with the administrative coordination of the Projects: "Isyport-Integrated System for navigation risk mitigation in Ports" (funded by MUR-Ministry of University and Research within the PON 2014-2020 Projects), "GAIA" (funded by MIMIT-Ministry of Business and Made in Italy within the FCS-Funds for Sustainable Growth-Innovation Agreements DM 31/12/2021 and DD 18/03/2022), "DESY- DREDGED SEDIMENT RECYCLING" (funded by MIMIT-Ministry of Companies and Made in Italy within the FCS-Funds for Sustainable Growth-Innovation Agreements DM 31/12/2021 and DD 14/11/2022).